HST founder Bruce Thatcher discusses History Speaks Today, the political science lessons in his books and their implications for policy and current events in America.

HST books have been the subject for numerous events, including book signings at the Texas Book Festival in 2013 and 2017; library lectures at the Ty Preston Memorial Library in 2012, 2014, 2017 and 2020; and seminar series on immigration and on nations' life cycles for the School of Practicing Christianity in New Braunfels, Texas.

Bruce Thatcher presentation at Ty Preston Memorial Library

HST books provide ‘meat’ for both brief comments and far-ranging discussions relating to current events.  See Q&A Discussions for Adamant Aggressors, Gun Mania, Immigration, Rise and Decline, and Too Big?, for interview-ready discussions of each of these books.

Thatcher has discussed guns in America, immigration, adamant aggressors, America's decline and the HST project with radio and television hosts and print reporters.  Several of these discussions are preserved for your perusal.  A summary of each appearance precedes its link to the complete text, view or podcast.

Click on any of the links below to read, view and/or listen to these media appearances.

Media Appearances

Bruce Thatcher is available for interviews about the HST Books and their subjects, about Americans’ understanding of history, and about the teaching of history in our schools.

Media members and journalists may contact Bruce Thatcher directly to schedule an interview, request a signed article for publication or obtain material for related stories.  History Speaks Today  values your comments and suggestions.  Your input about the HST Project and HST Books is appreciated.